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FNQ Chapter Social Drive

Tolga Hotel 23 Main Street, Tolga, Qld, Australia

Meet at 9:00am every Wednesday at the Tolga Pub for a social drive and coffee. Contact for FNQ Chapter is Ron Schilling:  0412 456 365

Come as you please weekly drive

Sk8way Townsville Unit 3/72-88 Hervey Range Rd, Condon, Qld, Australia

Club drive every Sunday at 9:00am for SIV drivers.  Meet at Sk8way and the destination will be decided on the day.


Sk8way Townsville Unit 3/72-88 Hervey Range Rd, Condon, Qld, Australia

Meet at Sk8way @ 9:00am for a leisurely drive around town culminating in morning tea at an agreed venue.

FNQ Chapter Social Drive

Tolga Hotel 23 Main Street, Tolga, Qld, Australia

Meet at 9:00am every Wednesday at the Tolga Pub for a social drive and coffee. Contact for FNQ Chapter is Ron Schilling:  0412 456 365

Come as you please weekly drive

Sk8way Townsville Unit 3/72-88 Hervey Range Rd, Condon, Qld, Australia

Club drive every Sunday at 9:00am for SIV drivers.  Meet at Sk8way and the destination will be decided on the day.

FNQ Chapter Social Drive

Tolga Hotel 23 Main Street, Tolga, Qld, Australia

Meet at 9:00am every Wednesday at the Tolga Pub for a social drive and coffee. Contact for FNQ Chapter is Ron Schilling:  0412 456 365

Come as you please weekly drive

Sk8way Townsville Unit 3/72-88 Hervey Range Rd, Condon, Qld, Australia

Club drive every Sunday at 9:00am for SIV drivers.  Meet at Sk8way and the destination will be decided on the day.


Meet at Sk8way @ 9:00am for a leisurely drive around town culminating in morning tea at an agreed venue.